當日看到有大概30隻狗狗,分開了A, B, C區3個地方安置牠們;有BB區;有成年區。
我們其中一個探訪目的是要確保其他義工使用我們的飲品時是正確的和適當的份量,畢竟我們的產品是非常新和用法也是與平常產品不一樣。雖然DoggyRade, KittyRade & YummyRade係好好味,不過最重要的是要依據適當的份量餵食,根據包裝背面貓狗各體型的指引給予不同份量。
On July 2nd, we finally had the chance to pay a visit to Paws Guardian in Yuen Long after collaborating for a few months! More than 30 dogs live in the shelter with different zones; the babies & adults live separately.
We decided to become a volunteer because we learned that Paws Guardian never had enough manpower to take care of the dogs. We helped in any way possible, such as helping to organise the goods that had been donated, cleaning the area, and feeding and walking the dogs. Moreover, more hands-on experience with pets allowed us to understand how and when we should utilise DoggyRade, KittyRade, and YummyRade to maximize their effectiveness.
We hope this encourages you to help a few organisations and NGOs that are in need too!